Jul 21, 2014

a kinda-sorta step-by-step guide on how to become a baby mama

It has been so so long since I've written a post, and man OH man has a ton happened/changed in my life! Let's see, I went to Europe for a month with my best friend and traveled around and had the most AMAZING time.

 Ty and I had our second and THIRD anniversary (wow, time flies), we got a dog...

......and you know, I got pregnant and had twins.  Well all that is great, but lets just talk about the big stuff. I got pregnant and had a baby....no wait, not just one. TWO. I grew two humans in the exact location of my dream abs. Luckily for me, being pregnant with twins, allotted a plethora of unhealthy foods, and it was all in the name of cravings. SERIOUSLY, the best part of being pregnant. (insert generic mushy Hallmark card voice in...now): and of course the greatest blessing of pregnancy is growing and loving the sweet souls that are about to enter into the world..... but really, blaming eating like a cow on pregnancy remains top on the list. Anyways, let's start from the beginning...

Once upon a time, there was an amazingly talented, OCPD television watcher who lived in a magical kingdom called Kansas.  Life was so busy for this princess with never ending opportunities to show her talents (thanks to Netflix) yet, something was missing. This beautiful, amazing, and super cool princess was married to a very handsome prince who was also a wizard (because he's a ginger, duh) and they decided to have a baby.

But really. It was summer of 2013, and school was out so the subbing came to a halt. Ty and I were happy, he had just graduated from the U, he was doing well at work, we had a home, a dog....and well, we all know what comes next. We weren't really actually trying to get pregnant, but after talking to a lot of my friends who had tried and tried for years before getting pregnant, I figured if we stopped preventing it, by the time it actually happened, we would be ready. Fast forward to the next morning.....I WAS PREGNANT. haha Well, let's be honest, of course I had NO idea I was pregnant then, but really kids, don't fool around, it happened within days of the beginning of our two year trying period. 
I actually found out I was pregnant when I was six weeks along. I had planned a trip to go to Henderson to visit my mom's side of the family. Ty was headed out of town with his dad and brother for a cattle meeting in Santa Barbara (ya, he was really upset) and their flight was the day before mine, so I had them drop me off at a hotel to stay at the night before, and from there the plan was to take a cab to the airport in the morning. Well, everything went according to plan, but the first time my little speck (specks) made itself known was while Que (my father-in-law) was driving us on a very small, curvy country road on the way to the airport. Now, I'm an extremely car sick person, upon sitting in the back seat, and this day was no exception. However, all of little speck's work to get me to realize he/she was in there, got credited to my father-in-law's 100+ mph driving (pretty sure all four tires left the ground at least 12 times).
 Well, I get dropped off at the hotel and as soon as I'm on solid ground, I feel better. I get to my room and order a large pizza, an order of buffalo wings, and a 2 liter of coke. Embarrassingly enough, this was not out of the ordinary, so still, no idea that pregnancy is an option. I eat my food, go swimming, blah blah..boring stuff...go to bed, wake up, get taxi.... and apparently the DO NOT SMOKE sticker in the taxi didn't scare the driver, because the car reeked! Yes, I'm throwing "reeked" around. hashtagtrendsetter. Due to the disgusting smell of smoke and being in the backseat, I was literally praying that I would not puke all over myself and the taxi for the four minute drive. Gratefully, I arrive at the airport, expecting to feel better as soon as my feet hit the floor...but no. I am nauseous all the way through the check in line, trying not to throw up all over the old, creepy man in front of me who literally was too into his flirting to realize that I was holding back puke....which may or may not have been caused by morning sickness at this point.
the first thought that I might be pregnant came while I was walking through the airport; and as soon as that thought hit my head I was on a mission to find a pregnancy test. I went to every store/kiosk in the airport seeing if they sold pregnancy tests... people found that amusing. however, I am sad to inform you that no, the colorado springs airport does not provide and/ or sell pregnancy tests. That being said, I was positive that the Vegas airport would. Why am I so sure....because it's Vegas. Well, let me tell you, I was wrong. The looks I got from the clerks at the Vegas airport were even more judgmental than those in CO....technically, it makes sense, considering the majority of the CO clerks were probably stoned.
Anyways, I arrive at my Aunt's and after trying to get alone and to a store by myself (harder than it seems when you don't have your own car and are with family), I finally succeed, take the test.....and POSITIVE.
I took both tests in the pack and yup, both were positive.  Since I was going to be out of town for the week, I really wanted to surprise Ty and wear a shirt that said something great and witty that I could pin to pinterest and make future mothers feel inferior to my techniques, but I failed and made it a whole three hours before I broke down and successfully made my husband pass out.
No, not really, he didn't pass out, but he might as well had. Pretty sure he asked if "I was serious" at least 28 times. Then the panic set in. Responsibilty clouded his mind and he went silent, while I went on and on about how excited I was.  After about 20 minutes of me prodding and prodding him on whether he was excited or not, he finally chilled out and got excited. Informing me that I needed to get on prenatal vitamins immediately.
Those next 8 weeks after finding out were the worst 2 months of my life.... I legitimately thought that dying would have been much less painful than being pregnant. I take that back now, by the way... and I will say, I know some women are sick the whole nine months and I am just thankful that that wasn't me! Sucks for you guys though. During those weeks of throwing my guts up I ended up missing my best friend's wedding (sorry Paige) and my brother in-law's wedding (sorry Doc and Mikyn). ON THE PLUS SIDE, I did lose a ton of weight because of being sick, and looked awesome in my PJS on the couch.
Skip to my first doctors appointment. I go in, pee in the cup (I got very good at this), sit in the waiting room like a giddy schoolgirl. Finally, they call us back (Ty went with me). I go in and get my exam (insert: sad face) and the doctor brings in this little machine to check the baby's heartbeat. All sounded great. He sends me to another room to get my sonogram. I was so nervous to see that all was well, I was literally shaking. We had the greatest technician (side note: I was still very sick during my appointment, I had to leave the doctors and rooms many times to go throw up in the bathroom).  I was so sick during the sonogram that I was almost in tears trying not to throw up. Ty is holding my hand, and as soon as the little monitor comes into focus (for the technician, we had no idea what we were looking at) she says, "No wonder you're so sick, there it is. Two times as sick for two." Ty and I had no idea what this meant. We stared at her blankly, as if she had just spoken to us in Japanese. "TWINS! Two babies," she repeats. Ty's hand immediately flies out my hand and is fist pumping the air, jumping up and clapping like he'd just seen his children win a swimming match....oh wait. ;)

With that said, I would like to CLARIFY for the whole world. TWINS has nothing to do with the father. It is all the woman. the gene cannot be carried through the male's side. It comes from the mother and her side alone. Fraternal: the WOMAN has to release two eggs, this may or may not be genetic. Identical: the WOMAN's single egg splits and becomes two separate eggs (this is all chance, no gene's involved). Here's one last clarification for the world, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have boy/girl twins be identical. Unless they are both hermaphrodites, which I think has yet to happen.... but seriously, think about it. In order for a boy to be IDENTICAL to a female, he would need a V. Vice versa, she would need a P..... therefore, the he would no longer be a he, but a she, and the she would no longer be a she, but a he.....long story short. It's just not even a thing for boy/girl twins to be identical.

Back to the story, Ty is going crazy because he is soooo excited now. All stress of having a single child has magically vanished with the knowledge of having two (if anyone can explain this to me, please, I'll pay you). ........and then there's me.....trying not to throw up on the table with warm goop all over my very skinny (and short lived) stomach. My positive, "I can do this," attitude halted. TWINS?! This wasn't even on my radar! I know nothing about twins. Nonetheless about little babies. I freaked out. I bawled. My stress levels went crazy and it took a few minutes to regain my composure before the important questions set in. (The technician is now scared to hell because of our opposite reactions, FYI) "Are they healthy? Measurements?" LADEE LADEE LOO. Everything came back looking great. Both babies were in great health. All was well. We were on track to have a healthy and full terms twin pregnancy. And Yes, the excitement set in as we made tons of phone calls to very happy, excited, and unbelieving relatives! Twins it was and we were SO happy! We were all set to have the best pregnancy ever!
AND we did. We found out the genders, 100% at Thanksgiving break with my whole family around us in the 3D sonogram room. It was so great! A boy and a girl.
The girl even put on a show and kicked the boy in his "secret spot" for the w
hole family to see. That's my girl. To this day, Fey is my feisty, independent, little firecracker, and Fitz is my sweet, outgoing mama's boy.
I think this is a long enough post for today. In the near future I will finish off my pregnancy story and get into the birth! I bet you can't wait for all the GORY details. :) I love you all. and through all the sarcasm and jokes, I can assure you that being pregnant is sooooo worth it, especially if you lose weight...joking, again, I can't stop myself guys. But being pregnant is no comparison to being a mom. Shit, I'm going to cry. Goodnight friends!
Thanks for reading. xoxo